Your Life Experiences Will Contribute to Your Success as a Student

Article Submitted by Jerry Armen

This year there will be many women returning to college. If you are among this select group, take heart in knowing that there are many scholarships out there for you. Moreover, your life and work experiences outside of academia will have in all likelihood prepared you well for the responsibilities and new demands that are coming your way, courtesy of school.

As you traverse the occasionally labyrinthine process of applying for scholarships, you’re bound to run into a very important aspect of successful scholarship hunting: accurate tracking of application deadlines. Tied to this feat of detailed organization is the arrangement of your personal legal documents. It always seems to be that they’re especially difficult to track down when you need them the most. For more than one adult going back to school, organization is an advantage she has over the average newbie student. Organizing legal documents related to residence status, birth, and employment will be obligatory.

Another obligation is to remember to file you FAFSA application on time. This is the portal for Pell Grants, for single mothers, for non-parents, and for everyone else.