University Studies and Experience Factor into Post Graduate Opportunities

Attending a university and fully maximizing all the possible benefits available is a very important topic for university students to be aware of, or those about to enter into university. Studying at a university does require paying tuition, so making sure that a university experience is fully maximized is similar to protecting that investment. Simply going to class and completing assignments will still result in a university degree, but taking the steps to get the most out of every possible moment will more fully prepare students for the next phase of their life, either post graduate studies or entering the job force.

Universities that offer small class sizes are often highly valued by those looking to have more interaction with faculty members. Small class size has been shown to lead to more personal relationships, meaning students interact more and benefit from extensive discussions, and professors get to know students better. Not only is this conducive to a more productive learning environment, but when it comes time to get letters of recommendation or personal references professors will be familiar enough to assist. Graduate schools require letters of recommendation, as do most other post graduate programs. Getting references is a must for any polished resume. Get the most out of these relationships by seeking out professors looking for research assistants or other academic related work to gain experience as well as a resume boost.

In regards to resumes and planning for after graduation, make sure the university has a fully equipped career services center. When first visiting the campus ask about this, and research what students do after graduation. Universities will have statistics to show what type of work and study programs their graduates go onto after receiving their degree. A thriving career services center should offer resume tips and critiquing, career skills such as interviewing and job searching, job fairs to assist their students, and more. A university that is confident in its programs and students will do everything it can to make sure students are able to find the positions they are qualified for.

During one’s time at university many students experience living on their own for the first time. Here is where the work life balance skills are first taught. A university with athletic teams and clubs is giving students a great opportunity to work on that balance. Physical health is as important as mental health and a thriving academic career. Schools with athletic programs give their students a much needed opportunity for physical release and health. Also, participating in such programs builds lasting social bonds and can serve as an asset to post graduate plans. Being part of a program for several years, and perhaps even taking on a leadership positions, is a great way to showcase leadership and commitment, important skills any employer is looking to find.

Depending on a specific career path, there are additional things to consider when looking at a university in its full scope. A student hoping to work in the field of science would be best advised to find a research university. Research universities are widely valued because of the advancements they make in many fields. A research university is always looking to the future and how to improve something or further understand it. Learning in an environment like that encourages progressive thinking and learning how to actively work for scientific advancement. Furthermore, research universities may have any number of opportunities for students to join in on research projects, an incredible resume tool as well as learning opportunity.

Students have much to consider when choosing a university, but by making that decision in its fullest context, they stand to benefit more fully. Campus services, class size, learning opportunities beyond the classroom, extracurricular activities, and campus environment all factor into one’s complete university experience, one that teaches while truly prepping students for the future.

Paul Stephen is from the highly respected Nipissing University, a liberal arts university dedicated to offering world class applied professional programs in the following fields: criminal justice, nursing, computer science. Further your tailored knowledge by applying to the School of Graduate Studies.
