The Lowdown on Online Schooling

With the advent of online colleges and universities, online courses, and certificate programs offered on the web, it can be tempting to receive an education through alternative forms of schooling. Online certification and degrees are becoming widely accepted by businesses everywhere, but is it the right choice for your educational goals? As with most decisions, there are pros and cons to online schooling. The following is a brief look at the good and bad of an online education, starting with the pros.

The Pros

Saves time on commuting: As long as you have access to the web, online schooling makes it possible for you to learn the course just about anywhere. This means you can take a class in the comfort of your own home, or on your breaks at your full-time job. Online schooling eliminates traveling time and cost, making it more convenient for full-time parents and employees.

Flexible schedule: Online schooling offers students the opportunity to create their own schedules instead of being confined to certain hours of the day or week. At a traditional university, students are limited to the courses that fit their schedules; however, online schooling is flexible and can be accessed day or night, and at your own pace.

The Cons

Requires more discipline. Without a classroom setting and an instructor, online schooling requires more discipline than conventional courses. An online student must have the potential to study and learn on their own without the help of a teacher or tutor.

Environment challenges. It might be difficult to study at home, especially if you have children or household responsibilities. An online student has to be focused at home without being distracted by chores or household responsibilities.