A Training Program Where Students Become ‘Teachers’

In an effort to understand their students’ methods, language and then use this information to alter their style of teaching to the needs of their kids, teachers have now begun to watch students give mock lessons while they play the role of their teacher.

This unique training program is currently run by the National Urban Alliance for Effective Education, a nonprofit organization based in Syosset, New York. While being supported by a federal grant, this group that have their own group of trainers conducts sessions for teachers in bringing them up to speed with these techniques that can only be described as revolutionary.

Most of the teachers have benefited largely from this methodology as they have implemented the feedback that their students give them in order to facilitate better learning.

In one instance, the students told their teacher that they would be able to learn much better if they were able to move around the classroom, interact with their fellow students and use the computer and the Internet as well. What this does for the teacher, who then changes her approach, is that she is able to customize the lessons according to their needs. And it works…

Incidentally, since the students use the same language and methods that their peers understand, this allows the rest of the class to understand what the teacher is trying to convey, and thus the purpose of being able to get through students with their lessons is served when you are able to communicate with them as they would communicate with each other.

The program, being so successful, is also being implemented by schools in San Francisco, Bridgeport and East Allen Country located in Indiana.