What Steve Jobs and Sasha Bakhru can Teach Us about Stem Cells

The 2011 biography of Steve jobs by Walter Isaacson gave insight into the man behind the Apple. Jobs was driven, his philosophies were very specific. One of the more interesting, and perhaps sobering aspects of the book is how Jobs wrestled with cancer. Ultimately, the reader is left wondering: could Jobs have prevented his own death through bio-medical science? Researchers like Sasha Bakhru might argue that Jobs cancer could have been treated, perhaps even prevented.

Jobs and Cancer When Steve Jobs was diagnosed with cancer, he decided that he would take a natural approach to treating the disease. Using a combination of juices, meditation and herbal remedies, Jobs sought to treat his cancer using the least invasive methods possible. Bio Medicine Researchers in UCLA would have been working on the human genome map, which could have aided Jobs’ doctors in pinpointing the source of his cancer. RNA could have been injected to control the growth of his cancer cells. It’s clear that, had he chosen to do so, Jobs could have benefitted from several medical breakthroughs. Stem Cells and Cancer Embryonic stem cells have been a hot button for anyone who has paid attention to cancer research in recent years. These cells are used to regenerate damaged cells in a body, but they can also inhibit the growth of cells we don’t want. Conclusions Steve jobs’ pancreatic cancer could have been prevented, or at least treated, had the man chosen medical science over pseudo medicine. While alternative medicine has its benefits, when dealing with life threatening diseases like cancer, patients should carefully consider doctor orders before making decisions on their own care.


Author Bio: The preceding post was brought to you by Sasha Bakhru. As a leading researcher in the field of stem cells and bio-medicine, Sasha Bakhru has made several advancements related to drug delivery and drug therapy.